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About Me

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Welcome to my site.


Emma Martinez, BA(Hons) 
Artist Illustrator

Photograph By Emma Martinez, Middlesbrough Crown Court.

I have lived in Middlesbrough all my life and i could not be prouder. I beleive the people of Middlesbrough are warm and genourgous. Middlesbrough is the home of Teesside University and the Northern School of art and Mima Art Gallery As an artist and Illustrator i owe these institutes at lot for nurturing me. I am currently studying at Falmouth Unervirsity for my Marsters of Illustration, who incurage and belive in their students.

Bailey- African -Grey Parrot -looking -at- art

Emma's Art Director, Bailey Martinez.

My Vission

What i hope to achive with my art and website?

My vission is to bring joy and encouragment with my art in anyway possible. As a person with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia growing up in the 80's and 90's, these conditions were not well understood as much as they are today. I was discurage, told that i would not achive much and there was no chance of going to University.

This had a big influence on my life and self worth, however i was one of the lucky one's i had people who encuraged me ecpecially my very good friend Lesiley Lees. She was a former Head Teacher and one of the people to found the charity i became envolved with Dyslexia Support Middlesbrough, sadly she has now passed away and the charity has dissolved.

However, my time there gave me so much purpose, seeing children coming in with little self-esteem then watching their confedents grown and starting to belive in themselves.

I am currently working on a couple of books, that i hope will bring joy and self worth to children and adults. As an Artist and some what Spiritual person, i want to encourge people to get involved with Art as i find it very healing.


Art to me is not just about making pretty pictures, it is exploring the self and an expression of that self. To me, even though there are artist i admire for their skills and techniques, i love to see peoples progress with art, to see people blossom. And as artisti belive we should be encourging and guiding each other, through constructive critisum advive and a well done.

My advice for anyone reading this is do not let other people difined who you are. Alos your goals may take time to achive and way change, but as long as you keep pushing through you will get somwhere someday!


Illustration-of-African-Grey-Parrot-in Top- Hat

How Bailey invissions himself.

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